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Iberian Publishing Company's On-Line Catalog: Kanawha County Virginia
Kanawha County was formed in 1788 from Greenbrier and Montgomery counties. It was named for the Conoys, an Indian tribe that once lived in the area. The first spelling of the county was "Kenhawa", but later it was changed to "Kanawha". In 1800 part of Kanawha was added to Wood County. In 1804, 1809, and 1818, respectively, Mason, Cabell, and Nicholas counties were created wholly from Kanawha lands. Logan County was partly created from Kanawha territory in 1824, and that same year a small tract was added to Nicholas County upon resurveying of the boundary. In 1830 Kanawha gave up land to form part of Logan County, and in 1831 Fayette and Jackson counties were established in part from Kanawha. 1839 witnessed a small parcel returning to Kanawha from Fayette, but additional Kanawha territory was cut off to form Gilmer County (1845, Boone County (1847), and Putnam County (1848). In 1850 small parcels were added to Putnam and Fayette from Kanawha. Survey of the Clay-Kanawha line in 1858 removed additional territory from Kanawha; in 1867 Lincoln County was cut off from Kanawha, and finally, in 1868 the last dismembering of the county occurred when additional Kanawha land was added to Lincoln County.
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Kanawha County,Virginia 1810 Federal Census: A Transcription
John Vogt, 2008, xii, 18 pp., 8x10 format, illustrations, maps, full name index. A faithful and accurate transcription of the first surviving census for this western Virginia county from which all or part of nineteen counties ultimately were formed.
SURNAMES included in the 1810 Kanawha census are:
          Adkerson; Alderson; Alexander; Alts; Anderson; Asbury; Atkerson; Austin;
          Bagess; Bailes; Baily; Baker; Baldin; Ballard; Barger; Barker; Barrett; Barris; Baxter; Beach; Belber; Bently; Blain; Blake; Boggs; Bosworth; Bowman; Breckett; Briant; Britt; Brooks; Brown; Bryant; Buckle; Burke; Bush; Buster;
          Campbell; Canada; Canterbury; Cantsill; Carrol; Cartmell; Caruthers; Casdorph; Casey; Cavender; Chapman; Childers; Childress; Christian; Clark; Claypole; Cobb; Comaga; Combs; Conner; Cooper; Cottle; Counch; Cremans; Crowder; Cunningham;
          Daggs; Darlington; Dauling; Davis; Dawny; Dawson; Denison; Dilly; Dixon; Doddridge; Donally; Dorch; Dornson; Dudding; Dufield; Duke; Dunbar;
          Ellis; Entsminger; Estill; Everit; Everitt; Evilsizer; Ewing;
          Filson; Fitzwaters; Fletcher; Foster; Fowler; Frame; France;
          Galahan; Galasby; Gatewood; Gilespee; Givens; Graham; Grass; Green; Greenlee; Griffith; Groves; Guthery; Guthry;
          Hambrick; Hamilton; Hamrick; Hanack; Hanceford; Hankins; Hanly; Hanna; Hardwick; Harell; Haris; Harmon; Harrison; Haugh; Haynes; Hays; Heaten; Henry; Hester; Heys; Higginbottom; Hill; Hitt; Hix; Holly; Holyday; Homes; Hoover; Horner; Horton; Huddleston; Hudlin; Hudson; Hufh; Hughes; Hutcherson;
          Insco; Irwin;
          James; Jarrad; Jarred; Jarret; Jarrett; Jefferies; Jenkins; Jinkins; Johnson; Johnston; Jones; Jopling;
          Kean; Kearns; Keenan; Kelly; Kinder; King; Kirkpatrick; Kounts; Kringrey;
          Lacy; Lamasters; Lane; Lawhorn; Lawrence; Laywell; Lee; Lett; Lewis; Lickins; Lilly; Littlepage; Lively; Long; Low;
          Madcaff; Mahurin; Marson; Martin; Massie; Mathews; Maupin; McAlister; McCawlin; McClewer; McCorkle; McCown; McCoy; McCue; McNeely; McNeetle; Meadows; Medley; Medly; Milam; Milburne; Miller; Moloham; Molohan; Montgomery; Moody; Moor; Morice; Moris; Morison; Morris; Murphey;
          Neal; Neely; Newgen; Newhouse; Nicholes; Nichols; Niler; Noyes; Null;
          Parish; Parks; Patrick; Paul; Pauly; Pearson; Perry; Persinger; Phelps; Phillips; Pittzel; Poor; Price; Priestly; Prior; Proctor; Putman;
          Racket; Ramsey; Ray; Reader; Reaves; Reynolds; Rider; Roberts; Robinson; Rodgers; Ross; Rucker; Ruffner; Russell;
          Samuels; Sawyers; Seys; Shark; Shaver; Shipe; Shirkey; Shrewsbury; Silket; Simms; Sims; Skiles; Slack; Slaughter; Smack; Smith; Spangler; Sparks; Stackton; Stanly; Stark; Starke; Steel; Stephen; Stephenson; Stevenson; Stewart; Stilt; Story; Stover; Stowers; Strickler; Styles; Swan; Swearingen;
          Tackett; Taylor; Thomas; Thompson; Toney; Trigg; Tudor; Turly;
          Venable; Vincent;
          Waldron; Walker; Wallace; Ward; Ware; Watts; Waugh; Welch; Wells; Wheeler; White; Whitteker; Williams; Williamson; Wilson; Wily; Windsor; Wood; Workman;
[Kn10] $8.95     (printed version)
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[EKn10] $6.00     (electronic version)
Kanawha Co. 1815 Directory of Landowners
by Roger G. Ward. 2005. 25 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2.
For a full description of the 1815 LAND DIRECTORY Records and a listing of available counties, see:
Individual County Booklets, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners
[Vd53] $8.00
The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format:
[EVd53] $6.00     (electronic version)
For records pertaining to KANAWHA COUNTY, VIRGINIA see records from the following counties:
- Greenbrier, Montgomery, Wood, Mason, Cabell, Nicholas, Logan,
Fayette, Jackson, Gilmer, Boone, Putnam, and Lincoln
- Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812
- Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties
- Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895
- Index to the 1810 Virginia Census
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